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Indonesia officials says hope to control foot-and-mouth disease outbreak by the end of the year


There had been more than 450,000 cases of FMD confirmed or suspected across 22 of Indonesia's 37 provinces and marks first FMD incursion in Indonesia since 1986. Indonesian officials say they hope to bring the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak under control by the end of the year. And are looking to procure up to 29 million foot-and-mouth disease vaccines, including some locally manufactured

The Indonesian government has allocated a budget to procure 29 million doses by the end of the year. The bulk will be imported but the Indonesian government was also supporting the development of locally manufactured vaccines. 

The Australian government has offered Indonesia financial support and there will be 1 million doses FMD Vaccine provided as part of $1.5 million in assistance measures. Indonesia was in discussions with Australia about supporting the genomic surveillance of the virus within Indonesia.  

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