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New coronavirus double antigen sandwich ELISA antibody detection kit


The year 2022 is the year of the 20th Party Congress and the closing year of the 13th NPC Standing Committee's performance. The National People's Congress in this special year has attracted much attention from all walks of life. This is the fifth year that researcher Kegong Tian has been a member of the NPC. As a veterinary science and technology worker and a senior animal disease prevention and control expert in China, since his election to the 13th NPC in 2018, Tian has repeatedly focused on the field of biosafety. 2021 he proposed to "strengthen the construction of China's high-grade biosafety laboratory system" and "establish the In 2021, he proposed to "strengthen the construction of China's high-level biosafety laboratory system" and "establish the China Biosafety Society", which has made good progress.

In the interview after returning from duty, I was asked, "What are the research results in the prevention and control of novel coronaviruses? What is the current application situation?" When asked, researcher Kegong Tian said, at the beginning of the new coronavirus outbreak, Luoyang Putai Biotechnology Co., Ltd, together with the National Veterinary Drug Engineering Technology Research Center and the National Infectious Disease Diagnostic Reagents and Vaccine Engineering Technology Research Center (Xiamen University), successfully developed the new coronavirus double antigen sandwich ELISA antibody detection kit.

Based on the SARS-CoV-2 specific antigen, we successfully developed a dual antigen sandwich ELISA antibody detection kit for neo-coronavirus. The kit was developed, pilot tested, evaluated and applied without involving new coronavirus, without biosafety risk, and can detect total antibodies against new coronavirus in sera of different animals. At the beginning of the outbreak, the kit was used to conduct seroepidemiological investigations on about 2000 sera from 35 species of animals and more than 1000 sera from cats before and after the outbreak in 10 different cities; it was also used in the research and evaluation of animal infection models and vaccines for NIV in Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medical Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. We have also participated in the development of the group standard "Novel coronavirus animal serum antibody double antigen sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay assay".

For the animal vaccine, we have obtained a stable CHO cell line expressing SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein with high efficiency and established the antigen expression and purification process; created a new mineralized micro-nanoparticle compound adjuvant FH002C with significant immune potentiation effect and the vaccine formulation process; established an animal model and histopathological detection platform for SARS-CoV-2 infection in dogs, cats and mink. On the basis of this, we have completed the preparation and preliminary safety and efficacy evaluation of a subunit vaccine for animals, and the results show that the vaccine is safe and effective in dogs, cats and mink, significantly reduces the risk of transmission of neocoronavirus among animals, and confers elimination immunity to animals against neocoronavirus. The results have been published in National Science Review, Science Translational Medicine, and other journals.

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