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Innovation Creates the Future

“Space Blue meets Pulike Blue, read the dream journey of the new era


Recently, the successful launch of the Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft

It made countless Chinese people proud and moved

From Dongfang Hong, Long March and Shenzhou, to Beidou, Chang'e and Tianwen ....

Generations of Chinese people have looked up to the vast universe and focused on the starry sea

Inheriting the profound and profound spirit of spaceflight

If there was a colour to represent the spirit of spaceflight,it would be Aerospace Blue. It represents both the calm, cool and meticulous quality of spaceflight, also symbolizes the Chinese people's dream of the blue sky and the goal of exploring the stars and the sea

A member of the same scientific and technological front in China,Pulike's corporate colour Pulike Blue,a marvellous "clash" of colours with the aerospace blue, weaving a brilliant spiritual chromatography on the scientific research front.

At Pulike

Blue is a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit

It represents technology, robustness and the desire to serve humanity

Like the innovative genes of the people of Pulike passed on from generation to generation

Let's make the spirit of top-class always shine through

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